Legal Notices
Anaïs Duval Mélissa Morgane
Phone number: 06 78 85 46 62
International phone number: +33 6 78 85 46 62
Legal Information
SIRET: 851 052 175 00045
NAF/APE code: 7430Z (translation and interpretation)
Website hosting:
Logo and Webdesign: Anaïs Duval
Users of this website must respect the provisions of the "Informatique et libertés" law, breach of which is liable to criminal prosecution.
They notably have no right to collect or to use in a misappropriate way the personal data they access, and generally speaking, to act in a way likely to be damaging to private life or to personal reputation.
Reserved Rights
The general structure, the logo, the business name, as well as the texts composing this website [unless otherwise specified] are the property of Anaïs Duval Mélissa Morgane.
Any total or partial representation of this site, by any means whatsoever and without the expressed permission of Anaïs Duval Mélissa Morgane is forbidden and constitutes an infrigement sanctioned by the articles L 335-2 et following of the Intellectual Property Code.
Hypertext Links
Anaïs Duval Mélissa Morgane shall not be liable for hypertext links to other websites from the present website.
No user or visitor of this website shall set up an hyperlink in directionof the present website without prior expressed permission of Anaïs Duval Mélissa Morgane.
Your rights
In application of articles 27 and 34 of the « Informatique et libertés » law, n° 78-17 of the 6th january1978, you are entitled to modify or erase any data concerning you. If you want to exercise this right, at any time, you can contact:
Anaïs Duval
Tél. : 06 78 85 46 62